Well done to all of the children who took part in the year 1 spelling bee, you all did amazing!
Our top 3 year 1 spellers were……
Amena Amujee
Faatimah Amasarif
Bilal Hanif
A big well done to you 3!
Thank you to all the parents who attended the year 1 maths workshop. We talked about all what the children have been learning in maths and what we will be learning. The strategies we use for adding and subtracting were shown to all the parents and all of them had a chance to try them out. We will be selling useful, reusable maths packs that you can buy to help your child at home. If you would like one please let your child’s class teacher know. Each pack costs £3 and includes lots of resources and a game.
The children at Uplands Infant school worked closely with Islamic Relief to helped to raise money for Morocco and Syria earthquake and floods. Our children take immense pride and gratitude working towards making a difference in the lives of others.
The school participated in a sponsored walk, to raise money for such a worthy charity, but also generated the support of our parents.
Through the sponsored walk the children set a cause close to their hearts improving the lives of those in need. Our students at Uplands Infant School’s enthusiasm and determination, took the lead in reaching out to the community beyond the school. The response was overwhelming with people opening their hearts. This is a testament to the generosity and compassion that exists within our wider community.
Our students have a vision of creating a positive change and they take great pride in instilling values of compassion, empathy to their peers. Our school has rallied together to make a tangible difference in the world.
As we move forward, we are looking forward to continuing the spirit of empathy and inspire others to make a positive change and create a generation to effect change.
Thank you on Behalf of Everyone at Uplands Infant School!
Uplands Infant school participated in Charity Week 2023 with Islamic Relief. Charity Week is an Islamic Relief Project which launched 20 years ago in 2004 with 2023 being the 20th anniversary! The purpose and vision of Charity Week is to unite young people across the globe, to come together and fundraise for orphans and needy children.
We were pleased to have planned two events to raise awareness and fundraise for the cause.
Children took part in designing a money box in the style of Nature or Henri Rousseau. We had amazing entries and the children really enjoyed the challenge.
Our Head Boy & Girl with the help of our Student Governors designed a banner to showcase the boxes at the Charity Week Annual Dinner. They also planned and lead an assembly to announce the winners of the Money Box competition.
We had a non-uniform day where everyone wore Yellow, White or Black (like a bee!)
After some brilliant performances by all classes, the children had a very special visitor! The one and only Santa came to see them and gave all classes some fab presents!
The children experienced a little bit of Rock during this brilliant assembly!
More videos can be found on the Assembly page of the website.