Safeguarding Children and Child Protection

Child Protection is an important subject in which all staff receive regular training. Our priority is to work with parents but there may be times when we have to involve other people. Everybody has a responsibility to keep all children under the age of 19 safe.

The school ensures children learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, on and off line, to develop positive and healthy relationships and how to avoid situations where they might be at risk including by being exploited.

Uplands Infant School has a statutory responsibility to share any concerns it may have about a child in need of protection with other agencies and in particular police, health and children’s services. Schools are not able to investigate concerns but have a legal duty to refer them. In most instances, the school will be able to inform the parents/carer of its need to make a referral.

However, sometimes the school is advised by children’s services or police that the parent/carer cannot be informed whilst they investigate the matter. We understand the anxiety parents/carers understandably feel when they are not told about any concerns from the outset. The school follows legislation that aims to act in the interests of the child.


Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy

We update our Safeguarding & Child Protection on an annual basis which is approved at a full governing body meeting. The latest policy that applies can be found below. The next review will take place in the autumn term of 2024.

Early Help

Early Help is a programme of help and support for children and young people whose needs are not being met by routine services but who do not need specialist services. By providing Early Help we can support the child, young person and their family to prevent issues from escalating. You can view our Early Help offer here.

This service is open to referrals from all agencies across Leicester City who work with children and families. Click here for more information.