
Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 2nd, 9th, and the 16th of December

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 2nd, 9th, and the 16th of December

Assembly focus: How people celebrate Christmas:

Aim: To help children understand how people celebrate Xmas

In today’s assembly, we looked at the following:

  • When Christmas is
  • How people celebrate (giving cards, charity, presents, trees, preparing)
  • What some people do on Xmas day
  • What food they might eat

We also listened to the Natvity story to help us understand the first Xmas and watched videos on how people celebrate Xmas.

Assembly focus: Advent

Aim: To help children understand the meaning of Advent

In today’s assembly, we discussed the following:

  • What is Advent
  • When does Advent start
  • What do the 5 candles of Advent represent

The first candle represents hope so we defined what hope means and watched a video about a turtle who showed hope to overcome challenges he faced.


Assembly Focus: Germs

In today’s assembly, we learned how to stay healthy by washing our hands.

That we should wash our hands:

  • Before a meal
  • After using the toilet
  • When you have sneezed or coughed
  • After handling animals
  • When your hands are dirty

Germs are so tiny that we cannot see them and can spread quickly. This was demonstrated using glitter.

We sang the ‘Wash your hands song’ to help us remember the best way to wash our hands.

Song words (to the tune of Frere Jacques)

Wash your hands, wash your hands.

Front and back, front and back.

In-between your fingers, in-between your fingers.

Don’t forget your thumb! don’t forget your thumb!


Assembly focus: Christmas

In today’s assembly, Reverend Jonathan from St Peter’s Church came in to discuss why Christmas is celebrated. St Peter’s Church is an important place of faith in the Highfields area of Leicester. It is the centre of the Church of England’s presence and worship in the community. Reverend Jonathan also spoke to us about the importance of belonging and that the church welcomes all faiths in the community. Reverend Jonathan helped us learn that belonging is not about where we are but how we feel in our hearts.


Assembly focus: Christmas  

Reception children wowed us with their Christmas performance of ‘Dear Santa’.

Their fabulous singing, dancing acting, and narrating brought festive cheer to the Upland’s family.


Assembly focus: Christmas  

Santa checked his list and Uplands Infants was definitely on the good list. The children were thrilled with their visit from Santa with each class entertaining him with a Christmas song and dance.

Focus Assemblies for weeks beginning the 18th and the 25th of November

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 18th and the 25th of November

Assembly Focus: Visit from form student Hrikkrish Biswas


In today’s assembly Hrikkrish Biswas, a former student came to share his exceptional news about being recognised by the Guinness Book of Records for becoming the youngest bilingual author at the age of 8.

The Guinness World Records committee has officially awarded Hrikkrish the title of Youngest Male Bilingual Book Series Author. This recognition affirms that Hrikkrish is now globally acknowledged as the youngest author to publish a bilingual book series—a truly remarkable achievement.

Please follow the link for the news broadcast aired by ITV:


10-Year-Old British Bangali Boy Makes World History. Guinness World Records


Assembly Focus: Celebrating Difference

We read the story ‘The Same but Different’ by Molly Potter


In today’s assembly, we explored the following:

  • We can all be different from each other and also about how we can be the same.
  • It feels good to have things in common with other people, but it’s also really exciting to be different.
  • It would be really boring if everyone was the same!
  • Differences should be respected, celebrated and enjoyed.
  • Everyone deserves to be respected and treated fairly.
  • Sometimes people are unkind to those who are different from them. Anyone who does this needs to learn a better way to behave towards them


Assembly Focus: mind-set

In today’s assembly, we discussed the following:


  • What is mindset
  • The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset
  • What growth mindset sounds like


We then looked at different scenarios and decided which scenario represented a growth mindset and which represented a fixed mindset.

We concluded that a mindset is your attitude. It is about how you think and feel rather than what you can or can’t do.


Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 4th and the 11th of November

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 4th and the 11th of November


Assembly Focus: Anti-Bullying Week


In today’s assembly, we discussed our school rules which are:

  • Be Kind
  • Be Safe
  • Be Respectful

This year’s Anti-Bullying Campaign urges everyone to consider how to ‘Choose Respect’ instead of bullying.

The term ‘respect’ can mean different things to different people.

When we talk about respect we:

  • Value feelings
  • Opinions
  • Views

Even if they are different from ours!

If we don’t agree or get along with someone, it doesn’t mean we should not treat them respectfully.

All staff and children came to school in odd socks to celebrate the fact that we are all unique.

We watched this short video clip about this year’s campaign https://youtu.be/xMRDl79vgTQ?t=77


Assembly Focus: Honesty


  • To consider the meaning of honesty and why it is so important

In today’s assembly, we recapped the meaning of honesty and listened to the book ‘The Truth According to Arthur’ a story about why we should always tell the truth, and what happens if we tell lies.

We agreed that telling the truth is good:

  • It shows kindness to others
  • It enables people to trust us
  • It leads us to build lovely friendships and relationships



Harvest Festival

In today’s assembly, we celebrated our Harvest Festival. Our community was very generous and donated lots of food items to be distributed to our families who need food support.

Diwali Assembly

Year 1 have been performing their Diwali assembly to staff and parents this week. The children used fabulous acting, singing, dancing, and narrating to show how and why Hindus celebrate Diwali.

Sports for Champions

This week Winston, a Great Britain gymnast medallist visited the school. He talked about how he became an elite gymnast:

  • Eating a healthy balanced diet
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Having a positive mind-set
  • Exercising including warming up and cooling down
  • Practice, practice practice

Winston performed some gymnastics skills and then led circuit training for all classes.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 14th and the 28th of October

Assembly focus: Belonging


  • To understand the importance of including people

In today’s assembly, we listened to the story ‘A Little Spot of Belonging’ and discussed:

  • What belonging is
  • What it feels like to belong
  • How we can help people belong
  • What is not belonging



Assembly Focus: PSHE Jigsaw


  • To understand that our hands have the power to do good or cause harm in the same way that our words can do kind things and sometimes unkind things.


We discussed the following:

  • The children worked in talk partners to think of ways to do something kind or unkind with their hands.
  • Our hands can do good or cause harm like our words can do kind things and sometimes unkind things.
  • It is our choice of how we use our words and actions, so it is important to stop and think about what we say and do to others.


Assembly Focus: The Meaning of Diwali

  • Diwali is a significant celebration for Hindus.
  • It is known as the ‘festival of lights’ and celebrates the start of the Hindu New Year.
  • The word Diwali means rows of lighted lamps.
  • During the festival, Hindus celebrate the return of Rama and Sita after fourteen years of being banished.


Assembly Focus: Honesty


  • To consider the meaning of honesty and why it is so important

We watched a clip of ‘Pinnochio’s Lie, listened to the story ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’, and discussed the following:

  • It is important always to speak the truth
  • You can only earn trust if we are truthful
  • Honesty will help you make lots of friends
  • Not telling the truth makes us feel sad and anxious


Assembly Focus: The History of Halloween

  • Halloween traditions originated from the ancient Celtic festival Samhain around 2000 years ago
  • Halloween used to be called All Hallows’ Eve
  • Trick or treating originated from ‘souling’ – people would knock on doors for a soul cake’ which was a small, round cake
  • The first ever Jack O’Lanterns were made out of turnips


Check out our News page to see our children apple bobbing and performing their scary Halloween dance or song.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 30th of September and the 7th of October

Assembly focus: Giving to Charity
• To understand the meaning of charity.
In today’s assembly, we discussed:
• What a charity is.
• The difference that charities make.
• The different ways we can give to a charity.

The children were introduced to the charity ‘Sports for Champions’ inspiring them to keep fit while supporting aspiring athletes and raising funds for outdoor physical equipment for the school.

Assembly focus: Introducing the New School Governors

• In today’s assembly, we introduced the Student Governors from each class.
• The Role of the Student Governors is to attend meetings every other week with Mrs Odedra to discuss ideas, concerns and work on various projects throughout the year.
• Student Governors can be identified because they will be wearing a badge and hoodie. Their photos will be displayed at the front of the school so all children know who they are.

Assembly focus: Taking the time to see people more closely

• To understand the importance of not judging by appearances.

In today’s assembly, we looked at different optical illusions and learned that what we think we see is not always what is really there. We often accept what we see as truth but sometimes get it wrong. This is especially true when it comes to what we think about people.
We looked at different images of children, identified which one we would want to be our friend, and discussed why.
We then listened to the story; ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ and concluded that it is our actions and characteristics that make us beautiful, not what we look like on the outside.

Assembly Focus: PSHE Jigsaw

• To introduce the ‘calm me’ approach used in PSHE across the school.
• To help everyone understand why the energy chime bar is an important part of Jigsaw lessons.


We discussed the following:
• The ‘calm me’ is a special time in their Jigsaw lessons where everyone will learn to relax their bodies, and minds and be peaceful.
• The ‘calm me’ approach starts with the chime and children close their eyes and listen until they cannot hear the sound anymore.
• The rainbow breathing technique was introduced. Children were shown how to breathe in through their nose and breathe out through their mouth (painting an invisible rainbow as they breathe out slowly)
• We discussed that breathing helps us feel calm, peaceful, and relaxed and we can use this technique when we feel worried or anxious about something.



Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 16th and the 23rd of September

Assembly Focus: The Jungle Book production

The children enjoyed a live production of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘The Jungle Book’. The set, lighting, costumes and performances brought the story to life thoroughly engaging the children.

Assembly focus: Kindness is never wasted

Aim: To help children understand what the word kindness means

In today’s assembly, we looked at the following:
• What kindness means
• How we can be kind
• How it feels when someone is kind to you
• What to do if you think someone has been unkind
We listened to the story of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ and discussed the moral that ‘Small acts of kindness can have a big impact’ and ‘No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’. In the story, a small mouse helps a lion by gnawing at the ropes when the lion is trapped in a hunter’s net.

Assembly focus: Carducci String Quartet

Our children were treated to various classical compositions from the world-renowned Carducci string quartet. The children showed excellent listening skills and musicality, joining in with rhythms and learning new musical terms – forte – get suddenly loud and piano – get suddenly soft.

Assembly focus: School Promises

Aim: To know the school rules for our school.

In today’s assembly we discussed what a promise is and how a promise is a commitment by someone to do something. We promised to follow our school rules which are:

• Be kind – being kind means listening, feeling and understanding others’ needs and trying to help meet those needs.
• Be safe – by always making sure we move around the school safely by making ‘lovely lines’, ‘wonderful walking’ and not hurting others by keeping our hands and feet to ourselves.
• Be respectful – accepting others for who they are, even when they’re different from you or you don’t agree with them. Caring about how your words and actions impact others. Demonstrating kindness and respect for other people, cultures, beliefs, and groups.

Assembly focus: Head Boy and Head Girl speeches






In today’s assembly, the children presented their speech about why they should be selected to be the Head Boy or Girl for the school for this academic year.

Year 2 Head Boy: D A
Year 2 Head Girl: A A
Year 2 Deputy Head Girl: N G

Year 1 Head Boy: S V
Year 1 Head Girl: Y A
Year 1 Deputy Head Girl: H K

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 2nd and the 9th of September

Assembly Focus: Back to School

• To know that everyone feels different things about coming to school.
• To learn how we can help everyone have a good day at school.


We discussed the following:
• It is a New School Year and some of us might have lots of different feelings. Some of us might be happy, worried, sad or excited.
• Some things will be different this year so the children worked with talk partners to discuss what they are looking forward to.
• By being a good friend and working hard, we can have great days at school.
• Let’s all work together to make this a lovely year for everyone!

Assembly Focus: Be Thankful

• To focus on the importance of being thankful.




We discussed the following:
• What is thankfulness?
• Why is thankfulness important?
• How can we show gratitude?
• Thankful words, phrases and actions.
• The children worked with talk partners to discuss what they were thankful for.

Assembly Focus: Independence

• To understand what independence is and what it looks like

We discussed the following:
• The meaning of age-related independence
• Why independence is important
• Examples of the children being independent


Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 10th and 17th of June

Assembly Focus: What we learn from winning and losing

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • The Olympic games
  • The winners of the men’s and women’s 100-metre finals in Tokyo
  • How it feels to win
  • The athletes who came last in the races
  • How it feels to come last/not achieve what you wanted to achieve
  • The characteristics we need to deal with losing

In the reflection, we highlighted the importance of believing in yourself, even after suffering a setback. To appreciate the small steps you make, to persevere, and to continue to aim high.

Assembly Focus: The importance of friendship and how we can be better friends

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • What we like doing with our friends
  • Is it more important to have a good friend or be a good friend?
  • The meaning of ‘if you want friends, be a friend’
  • The meaning of ‘if you want good friends, be a good friend’
  • The meaning of ‘if you want to have friends, you have to be a friend’

In the reflection, the children thought about how they can treat people in such a way that people will want to be their friend.

Assembly Focus: Kindness and how it affects other people

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • What does the word kindness mean
  • How have you shown kindness to someone
  • What does being unkind mean
  • Ways in which we can show kindness
  • Other words that mean kindness

We then listened to the story of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ and identified that we never know what difference being kind to someone can make to their life and ours. How we react to others is important. Being kind to other people improves relationships with those around us. Also, being kind to people can make us feel good on the inside too.

In the reflection, children thought about how sometimes, it is easy to forget to be kind. Being kind means thinking about someone else and being willing to put their needs first.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 20th of May and the 3rd of June

1FN’s Class Assembly

1FN retold the story of Snow White for their class assembly. It was an awesome performance filled with laughter and tears. They spent the week practicing their lines and creating props to bring the story to life. The acting from all of the children was incredible. Each of them had a chance to showcase their confidence and talent through singing and dancing! 1FN you wowed all of the teachers and your families. We are incredibly proud of you.

Assembly focus: Accepting our own and others’ differences

In today’s assembly, we read Giraffes Can’t Dance by Giles Andreae

The story is about Gerald the giraffe whose long, thin legs and crooked knees make dancing hard. He tries to join in with the other jungle animals at the annual Jungle Dance, but they all laugh at him. All the teasing gets to Gerald, who starts to believe the animals’ unkind words. Luckily, Gerald meets a wise cricket who teaches him to dance to his own tune, leaving the other jungle animals in awe.

This story reinforces the message that we need to accept our own differences and the differences of others. We discussed our school rules of being kind and respectful and how they relate to this story.

Please follow this link to share this story with your child.


Assembly focus: Kindness


  • To understand what kindness is.
  • To recognise ways in which we can show kindness.

The children were asked to do some thinking about what they thought kindness is and what it means to them.

We discussed that kindness is:

  • Being friendly and considerate of others
  • Showing goodwill to others
  • Doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return

We talked about different ways in which we can show kindness and how it helps our school.

We ended with some reflection on thinking about something kind we have done for someone and how it made us feel.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 7th and the 13th of May

Assembly focus: Where does food come from? 

In today’s assembly, we discussed the following:

  • The children were asked to think about their favourite food.
  • They were asked to do some nesting about where they think food comes from.
  • We can buy food from shops, but we discussed where food comes from before it reaches the supermarket.
  • Almost everything we eat is from plants or animals.
  • When having their next meal, the children were asked to think about where it comes from and appreciate and enjoy it.

Assembly focus: The Air Ambulance Service 

In today’s assembly, Vicky, from the air ambulance service visited us. Vicky told us many facts about the service and its important work.

The children dressed in yellow and donated money to help keep this important service continued.

Assembly focus: Light

In today’s assembly, we discussed the following:

  • The importance of light in our everyday lives.
  • How light can reassure and comfort us.
  • Sources of light.
  • Lighthouses and how light is used as a warning to sailors.
  • The story of Grace Darling.
  • How we can share our own light.
Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 22nd and the 29th of April

Astronaut’s Class Assembly – Little Rabbit Foo Foo 

The amazing Astronauts used their story words, dancing skills and creativity to act out the story of Little Rabbit Foo Foo.

Throughout the year the children have learned a range of stories that have developed their vocabulary and confidence to retell and create their own stories through role play and storytelling activities. For the assembly, the children demonstrated courage, enthusiasm, confidence, creativity, and perseverance to retell one of their favourite stories and perform in front of the whole school and their families.

Well done Astronauts ⭐️

Assembly focus: Student Governors- How can we make playtimes more positive?

In today’s assembly, the student governors introduced their new project about creating positive playtimes.

There was a retrieval quiz from the Anti–Bullying assembly and the children were asked to think about:

  • What is Bullying?
  • Can you name the different types of bullying?
  • Whom can you talk to if you are being bullied?

The children were asked to do some nesting about:

  • What do like/enjoy about playtimes?
  • What don’t you like about playtimes and what would you like to see changed?

The student Governors asked the children to get thinking because they would love to hear ideas and thoughts on how playtimes can be improved. They will speak to their classes to collect ideas to share at the next meeting.

Assembly focus: Acts of Kindness

We read ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister in todays assembly.

The Rainbow Fish is a delightful story about a unique fish with shiny, shimmering scales; other fish admire him and want his scales. To begin with, Rainbow Fish was reluctant to share his scales but eventually found joy in sharing.

We discussed that kindness is:

– Being friendly, generous, and considerate of others.

– Showing goodwill to others.

– Being concerned when others are upset or worried.

– Helping people when they need you.

– Doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return.

 Star’s Class Assembly

The Super Stars performed an excellent reimagining of the Beauty and the Beast story.

By following the school rules, Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Be Safe, and with the help of Mr Charming and his friends, wicked Winnie transformed into wonderful Winnie.

The Stars acting, dancing, and singing were amazing and filled with confidence and energy.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 8th and the 15th of April

Rocket’s Class Assembly

The children in Rockets performed an assembly to emphasise the importance of kindness and respect. The children highlighted this through the story ‘Farmer Duck’.

The children did a fantastic job using their acting, singing, and dancing skills.

EID Assembly

Our talented year 2s displayed their in-depth knowledge of Eid al-Fitr through fabulous, acting, singing, and dancing.

Assembly Focus: The Meaning of Ramadan

  • Ramadan is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims.
  • Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan for self-discipline and a reminder of what life is like for others who are less fortunate and do not have enough food.
  • During Ramadan Muslims, break their fast at sunset with a special family meal.
  • Ramadan falls in the 9th month in the Islamic calendar – meaning it occurs a little earlier each year in the UK. Ramadan lasts about 30 days, referred to as ‘the month of fasting’.
  • At the end of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr is celebrated.

Assembly Focus: Relationships (Jigsaw PSHE)

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • We started with ‘calm me’ time and practiced the ‘rainbow breathing technique to help us feel calm and focused.
  • The children worked in talk partners to discuss how they can be good friends and show kindness to their families.
  • The assembly ended with the children thinking about one thing they will change to be even better at relationships than they are now.

Assembly Focus: Making the right choice

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • The definition of wise
  • The meaning behind the parable of the ‘Wiseman and the foolish man’ story.
  • What making wise choices in school looks like

The children enjoyed singing the song and learning the Makaton signs for ‘The Wiseman and the Foolish Man’.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 11th and the 18th of March

Assembly Focus: Anti Bullying

  • In today’s assembly, the Uplands Infant School Student Governors presented the child-friendly Anti- Bullying Policy. The key points from the child-friendly policy are:
  • Bullying is hurting someone several times on purpose. Bullying is something that happens over and over again.
  • There are different types of bullying which are physical, verbal, cyber and indirect bullying.
  • If someone is being bullied, they need to tell an adult or a student governor.

The Most Enormous Love

Aim: To explore the idea that love cannot be measured.

We discussed the following:

  • What different measuring equipment is used for
  • That we need different measuring equipment for different tasks
  • How we measure love
  • What love might look like

We concluded that love cannot be measured, it is limitless. We then discussed the different ways that we can show love.

Rainbow’s Class Assembly

The children in Rainbows performed an assembly to celebrate Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all the special women in our lives. The children did a fantastic job using their acting, singing, and dancing skills to show their mum love and appreciation. They showed incredible perseverance and confidence by remembering all their lines, songs, and actions. It was a performance filled with love for the special women in their lives.

Assembly Focus: Easter traditions

Aim: To explore the different traditions of Easter.

Our youngest children are showcasing their fabulous Easter Bonnet creations.

We discussed the following:

  • Why we give eggs at Easter
  • Easter egg hunts
  • Easter bonnets
Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 26th of February and the 4th of March

Dream & Goals (Jigsaw PSHE)

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • We started with ‘calm me’ time and practiced the ‘rainbow breathing technique to help us feel calm and focused
  • The children worked with talk partners to discuss something they had done that made them feel proud
  • The children had to guess why a rollercoaster is like having a dream or goal. Not every dream is easy to achieve so we have to go through the ups and downs to get there.
  • The assembly ended with the children thinking about a dream or goal that is important to them and how they might achieve it.

Many Parts Make a Whole

Aims: To consider that many parts make up our school and they are all equally important.

We discussed the following:

  • Different types of mathematical fractions
  • How our school community can be divided into different parts; teachers, children, year groups, subjects, faiths
  • The importance of each part of the school
  • How all the parts come together to make our school so special.

1RA Class Assembly

Focus – Feelings and Emotions

1RA put on a great performance all about feelings and emotions. At the beginning of the year, in English, they read a book called The Colour Monster by the author Anna Llenas. This book allowed the children to explore a range of emotions and learn different vocabulary to describe each emotion. For the assembly, 1RA chose to share what they had learned about the emotions of sadness, calmness, anger, fear, and happiness. The opportunity also allowed the children to highlight the development of their oracy skills.

The performance consisted of singing, dancing, role-play, reciting a poem and an opportunity for the children to share their views about a particular feeling/emotion. The children persevered in learning their lines, the poem and the choreography of the different dances both at school and at home. The experience allowed the children to further develop their character muscles such as perseverance, collaboration, motivation and self-efficacy.

On the day of the performance, the children confidently carried out their roles whilst motivating one another at the same time. The children could perform independently using loud and clear voices and knowing when it was their turn to perform. The assembly allowed the children to revisit and further expand their knowledge about feelings and emotions, as it is important for them to recognise and use the correct vocabulary to describe how they are feeling.

2RX Class Assembly

Focus – International Women’s Day

The 2RX class assembly was about International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of March. It is an event that celebrates amazing things achieved by women. As a class, we wanted to honour and celebrate the incredible women who have left a mark on the world. We talked about the suffragette movement, how the roles of women have changed and recognised some extraordinary, influential women who have worked hard to make the world a fairer and better place.

World Book Day

In today’s World Book Day Celebration, we discussed the following:

  • World Book Day is celebrated on the first Thursday in March and it is all about children exploring the amazing world of books!
  • On World Book Day, people share stories, dress up as their favourite book character and every child in the United Kingdom receives a free book!

In this assembly, we also discussed what is so great about reading books, we learnt that:

  • The more you read, the more you’ll know.
  • Books are magical and you can visit other worlds and times.
  • Books spark your imagination.
  • Reading helps you to become a better writer.
  • Books are relaxing to read after a long day at school.

Islamic Relief

Assembly focus – Ramadan

In today’s assembly, Farhana and Khadija from Islamic Relief talked about;

  • What Ramadan is
  • Why Ramadan is celebrated
  • What happens during Ramadan

We all learned lots of facts about Ramadan and the children shared their own experiences.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 5th and 12th of February

National Internet Safety Day


  • To help children understand how to stay safe online

In today’s assembly, we looked at the following:

  • What e-Safety is
  • Why it is important we follow safety rules
  • Who we can tell if we experience a problem when using our devices

The assembly explored different scenarios that might occur when children are using their devices including:

  • Talking to strangers
  • Sharing personal information
  • Using age-appropriate games and apps

The children learned that they must speak out when they experience a problem on their device. A safe adult in school could be:

  • Teacher
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Midday Supervisor

A safe adult out of school could be:

  • Parent or carer
  • A grown-up brother or sister
  • Teacher

1JA class assembly

Assembly focus: A bucketful of Kindness

On Thursday 8th Feb, 1JA performed their Class Assembly. The theme was a celebration of life at Uplands and in particular how showing kindness to others can bring and spread joy around the whole school community. We were inspired by the book ‘A Little Book of Joy’ which suggests daily tasks to bring, spread and celebrate the simple things that can make a huge difference to our lives. We had fun singing some catchy tunes, dancing to some upbeat music and telling the story ‘Have you Filled a Bucket Today?’ to show how small acts of kindness to others can improve the emotional wellbeing of the person showing kindness just as much as the person receiving that kindness – it’s a win,win situation!

We hope you enjoyed our assembly as much as we loved performing it!

2MA class assembly

Assembly focus: Valentine’s Day

We talked about the power of love by looking at different ways we can express it in our day-to-day lives. We then said a big thank you to our loved ones and presented them with a special heart to show them how much they mean to us!

2SM class assembly

Assembly focus: Cinderella adaptation

Pancake Day  


  • To help children understand why we celebrate Pancake Day.

We discussed the following:

  • Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday
  • It is celebrated on the Tuesday before Lent begins
  • Lent is a time when Christians are getting ready for Easter
  • In the past people gave up food like eggs, milk, and sugar at Lent
  • The day before Lent these ingredients were used up to make pancakes and that is why people eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday!
Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 22nd and 29th of January

Respect and collaboration


  • To understand that we can build a better world when we respect each other’s differences and all work together

We listened to the story ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung and discussed the following:

  • That difference is a thing to be proud of
  • Respecting each other’s differences
  • The importance of collaboration

2EE class assembly

Aim: To understand New Year traditions in England and around the world.

2EE worked hard on performing their New Year assembly. They spoke of New Year’s traditions from around the world whilst incorporating dances from both China and India. They shared some of their own resolutions before it was finally midnight and time to sing Auld Lang Syne. By this time, they had gotten sleepy (as it was midnight) and they fell fast asleep. The crowd applauded and they finished the performance with a well-rehearsed bow.

Reading Challenge

Assembly focus: Summer Reading Challenge celebration

The children at Uplands Infant School are winners of the summer reading challenge 2023!

Marcia Brown & Jyoti Shangavi from Leicester Library Services came in to congratulate the children for using the library over the summer holiday. They told the children how to join the library and reminded them to keep visiting and borrowing books to read or share with their families.


Aims: To understand what bullying is

To understand the different forms of bullying

To know what to do if you are being bullied

In this assembly, we explored the following:

What is bullying?

Bullying is hurting someone else on purpose. Bullying is something that happens repeatedly.

Different kinds of bullying

Physical bullying is pushing, hitting, pinching, or kicking someone.

Verbal bullying is calling someone names and saying nasty things to them.

Cyberbullying is when people use email, photos, videos, or text messages to make people sad.

What you can do if you are being bullied

Tell a trusted adult. A trusted adult can be a teacher, parent, or older relative.

Focus assemblies for weeks beginning the 8th and 15th of January

New Year Resolutions


  • To understand when, why, and how New Year is celebrated.

We discussed the following:

  • New Year’s Eve is celebrated on December 31st, the last day of the calendar year.
  • People enjoy getting together with family or friends and counting down the hours, minutes and seconds to the start of a brand new year.
  • Many people like to make New Year resolutions, which are personal goals that they aim to work on throughout the year.
  • We did some ‘nesting’ about doing something new or something we want to get better at.

 The importance of rest


  • To understand why we need to rest
  • How we can rest
  • Why some animals hibernate during Winter

We discussed the following:

  • Why humans need to rest and sleep.
  • What happens to our bodies when we rest and sleep.
  • Different ways we can rest – Devine in year 1 explained that rest is when your body is calm.
  • We watched a video about why animals hibernate in winter.

Speak out, Stay safe


To help children know what to do if they are feeling worried, sad, or scared about something.

In today’s assembly, we looked at the following:

All children have the right to:

  • Speak out and have their views taken seriously
  • Be kept safe
  • Get help when they need it

Sometimes children do not feel safe and this is NOT ok.

The assembly explored different ways children can be hurt:

  • Hitting
  • Hurting children’s feelings
  • When privates are not private
  • Not looked after properly
  • Bullying

Speaking out can help children to feel safe but they must speak to a safe adult. A safe adult in school could be:

  • Teacher
  • Teaching Assistant
  • Midday Supervisor

A safe adult out of school could be:

  • Parent or carer
  • A brother or sister over the age of 18
  • Social worker



  • Expose children to the genre of rock music
  • Highlight the impact that music has on emotional and social well-being and academic performance

Whitney performed rock songs for the children. The children joined in with the singing thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Whitney then talked about the benefits of being in a band

  • Having fun
  • Being creative
  • Boosting confidence
  • Being independent
  • Working collaboratively
  • Being respectful
  • Improving reading, writing, and mathematics

We then created our very own Upland’s band who were phenomenal!

This was one of the most exciting assemblies ever and Whitney was super talented, enthusiastic and engaging.

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 4th & 11th of December

Respecting Uniqueness


  • To look closely at nature and recognise its wonder.
  • To recognise our uniqueness.
  • To respect each other’s uniqueness.

We looked at pictures of nature and discussed the following:

  • The importance of appreciating nature around us
  • Frost
  • Snow
  • Snowflakes and their uniqueness

We listened to the story ‘The Snowflake’ by Benji Davies

We talked about how special and amazing each of us is and that we should respect our own and each other’s uniqueness.



  • To learn about the different instruments in an orchestra.
  • To experience live music from an orchestra

Musicians from LSMS performed a melody of songs and introduced the children to a variety of instruments played in an orchestra. The children learned how you play each instrument and the different sounds that they make.


This week early Years performed their Nativity to parents and KS1. The acting, singing, dancing, and narration were superb and there was not a dry eye in the hall.


Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 20th & 27th of November



  • To learn about how we can stay healthy by washing our hands.

We discussed that we should wash our hands:

  • Before a meal
  • When using the toilet
  • When you have sneezed or coughed
  • After handling animals
  • When your hands are dirty

Germs are so tiny that we cannot see them and they can spread quickly. This was demonstrated using glitter.

We sang the ‘Wash your hands song’ to help us remember the best way to wash our hands.

 Celebrating Difference (Jigsaw PSHE)

Aim: To understand that we are all unique and that is what makes us special.

We discussed the following:

  • We started assembly with ‘calm me time’
  • We practiced our rainbow breathing technique
  • We looked at photos of different people and identified what is the same and what is different.
  • We had some reflection time to think about:

-What makes you unique?

-What makes your friend unique?

-Remember that people are similar but never the same because everyone is unique.



  • To know our three school rules.
  • To understand that we choose our behaviour

To help ourselves and others to make the right behaviour choice

We looked at five pictures and discussed the following:

  • Are the children making the right choice?
  • What are the consequences of making the wrong choice?

We then watched a video about Ben and the choices he made when he found a ring that made him invisible.

We discussed:

  • It is always important to own up if we do something wrong and not blame anyone else
  • It is not nice to tease other people
  • How doing good things makes us feel
  • How doing good things helps other people

Strength in perseverance, collaboration, independence, respect and compassion


  • To understand that you need strength of character
  • To know what strength looks like in each of our five character muscles

We discussed the following:

  • What does strength mean?
  • There are lots of different types of strength
  • What strength looks like in our 5 character muscles and how we gain strength

We watched the story of David and Goliath and discussed the strengths that David had.

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 6th & 13th of November

Remembrance Day


  • To understand the significance of Remembrance Day.

We discussed the following:

  • Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November – the 11th day of the 11th month of the year.
  • A two-minute silence is always held at 11:00am to remember the millions who have died at war.
  • Remembrance Day was first held in 1919, one year after the First World War ended. It is sometimes known as Armistice day.
  • We use Remembrance Day to remember all those who fought for their country, those who died and those who came home.

Pelleas Ensemble

In today’s assembly, a Pelleas Ensemble came in to perform some captivating music for us. The musicians, Oliver, Luba, and Henry introduced us to the harp, flute, and viola. They showed us how these instruments are played and how they make different sounds.

Harvest Festival

In today’s assembly, we celebrated our Harvest Festival. Our community was very generous and donated lots of food items to be distributed to our families who need food support.

Diwali Assembly

This week Year 1 has been performing their Diwali assembly to staff and parents. The children used fabulous acting, singing, dancing, and narrating to show how and why Hindus celebrate Diwali.

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 23rd & 30th of October

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 23rd & 30th of October:  



  • To be aware of the origins of Halloween 
  • To understand how Halloween was celebrated then and now. 


We discussed the following: 

  • How the celebration has changed 
  • How Halloween is celebrated today 

We had a scary costume parade, played the traditional game of apple bobbing, and selected our costume winners. 

Head Boy & Head Girl 


  • To  select UIS’s Head Boy and Head Girl 


In today’s assembly, the children presented their speeches about why they should be selected to be the Head Boy or Girl for the school for this academic year.  

The teachers voted and chose a Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl, and Deputy Head Girl. 

The selected children will support the student governors in decision-making and come up with new ideas to help improve our school. They will be role models for the school and they will show and help other children to follow the school rules.   

Alexander the violinist 


  • To expose children at UIS to classical music and the violin. 
  • To celebrate difference 



In this assembly we: 

  • Welcomed Alexander.  Alexander has just passed his grade 6 violin exam. He is an absolute showman and the children were entranced with Alexander’s violin playing. 
  • Alexander played a range of classical music: 
  • Humoresque – Dvorak  
  • Lullaby – Brahms 
  • Ch’ella mi creda – Puccini 
  • Torna a Surriento – Ernesto di Curtis 

Alexander ended by playing Abba’s ‘I Have a Dream’. Playing the violin was Alexander’s dream. When people refused to help him with his dream because he has Down syndrome Alexander persevered, showing great resilience and independence.

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 2nd & 9th October

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 2nd & 9th October:

Using your voice


  • To know when to use your voice
  • To be confident to stand up for yourself

We discussed the following:

  • When to say sorry
  • Do not let people be unkind to you – use your voice
  • Who can help you use your voice
  • How Peggy felt when people were being unkind




  • To understand how we can help others in our world family who are less fortunate than us.
  • To understand the work of the charity ‘Islamic Relief’.


Islamic Relief discussed the following:

  • How the money we raised last year was spent to help others in Syria and Turkey
  • Why we are raising money for Morocco and Libya
  • How we are going to raise money for Morocco and Libya
  • The important work of charities

Introducing the New School Governors   


  • To understand the role of the school governors

In this assembly we:

  • Introduced the Student Governors from each class.
  • Explained that the role of the Student Governors is to attend meetings every other week with Mrs Odedra to discuss ideas, and concerns and work on various projects throughout the year.
  • Explained that Student Governors can be identified because they wear a badge and hoodie. Their photos will be displayed at the front of the school so all children know who they are.

Reflecting on the visit of Reverend Jonathan from St Peter’s Church


We remembered the visit of Reverend Jonathan from St Peter’s Church. We thought about all the ways we belong to a Community in school and how important this is to us.

We recalled the new school rules Be kind, Be respectful, Be safe and the importance of these in making a happy school community.

We read the Christian Parable of The Good Samaritan and we talked about being the person who walks by or the person who stops and who did the right thing from a moral point of view.

Even though this is a Christian story, the message of kindness to all is an important one in all Faiths. Thinking about the school playground, we asked what we would do if we saw unkind, unsafe, or disrespectful behaviour. This assembly reinforced the importance of us all noticing and taking care of each other if we are to be a truly great community.

The children were asked to put their hands on their hearts, and close their eyes if it felt safe. They thought about a really special friend and how they show them kindness and respect. The children were asked to think about someone they don’t usually play with or talk to, maybe from another class or year group. How could they show kindness and respect to someone who they don’t know so well?

Being Honest


  • To discuss the importance of telling the truth

We discussed the following:

  • What honesty means
  • How we can be more honest
  • How being honest makes people feel
  • How not being honest makes people feel

We then listened to the story ‘The truth according to Arthur’

We discussed the following:

  • Why did Arthur lie about scratching his mum’s car?
  • Why were the truth and Arthur not friends?
  • Why was Mum happy with Arthur in the end?
  • Why telling the truth is good
Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 18th & 25th September

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 18th & 25th September:

School Rules


· To know our three school rules:

Be safe

Be kind

Be respectful

· To understand what our 3 school rules look like.


We discussed the following:

· What being safe looks like in school.

· What being kind looks like in school.

· What being respectful looks like in school.

Being Safe


· To understand how we can move safely around school.

We introduced and practiced the following:

· Lovely lines

· Wonderful walking

PSHE Jigsaw


· To understand that our hands have the power to do good or cause harm in the same way that our words can do kind things and sometimes unkind things.


We discussed the following:

· The children worked in talk partners to think of different ways they can do something kind or unkind with their hands.

· Our hands have the power to do good or cause harm in the same way that our words can do kind things and sometimes unkind things.

· It’s our choice of how we use our words and actions, so it is important to stop and think about what we say and do to others.

PSHE Jigsaw


· To introduce the ‘calm me’ approach used in PSHE across the school.



We discussed the following:

· The ‘calm me’ approach starts with the chime and children close their eyes and listen until they cannot hear the sound any more.

· The rainbow breathing technique was introduced. Children touch their noses and puff out their rainbow breath through their mouths.

· Children were shown how to breathe in through their nose and breathe out through their mouth.

· We discussed that this made us feel calm, peaceful and relaxed.

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 4th & 11th September

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 4th & 11th September:

Back to School                               


· To know that everyone feels different things about coming to school.

· To learn how we can help everyone have a good day at school.


We discussed the following:

· It’s a New School Year and some of us might have lots of different feelings. Some of us might be happy, worried, sad or excited.

· Some things will be different this new year at school.

· Children worked with talk partners to discuss what they are looking forward to this year.

Asking for help


· To understand that asking for help builds resilience.

· To know that we build trusting relationships by asking for help.

We read the story and discussed the following:

· How to ask for help.

· Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

· The importance of teamwork.



· To understand the benefits of good teamwork.

We watched clips about teamwork and discussed the following:

· What is good teamwork and what character muscles does it build?

The children identified that good teamwork is:

· Working together

· Listening to each other

· Showing respect

The children gave examples of teamwork and then undertook a teamwork challenge.

Class 2EE

2EE worked hard on performing their New Year assembly. They spoke of New Years traditions from around the world whilst incorporating dances from both China and India. They shared some of their own resolutions before it was finally midnight and time to sing Auld Lang Syne. By this time, they had gotten sleepy (as it was midnight) and they fell fast asleep. The crowd applauded and they finished the performance with a well-rehearsed bow.

Class 1RA

1RA put on a great performance all about feelings and emotions. At the beginning of the year, in English, they read a book called The Colour Monster by the author Anna Llenas. This book allowed the children to explore a range of emotions and learn different vocabulary to describe each emotion. For the assembly, 1RA chose to share what they had learnt about the emotions of sadness, calmness, anger, fear and happiness. The opportunity also allowed the children to highlight the development of their oracy skills.

The performance consisted of singing, dancing, role-play, the recitation of a poem and an opportunity for the children to share their views in regard to a particular feeling/emotion. The children persevered in learning their lines, the poem and the choreography of the different dances both at school and at home. The experience allowed the children to further develop their character muscles such as perseverance, collaboration, motivation and self-efficacy.

On the day of the performance, the children confidently carried out their roles whilst motivating one another at the same time. The children were able to perform independently using loud and clear voices and knowing when it was their turn to perform. The assembly allowed the children to revisit and further expand their knowledge in regard to feelings and emotions, as it is important for them to recognise and use the correct vocabulary to describe how they are feeling.

Class 2RX

The 2RX class assembly was about International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is celebrated every year on the 8th of March. It is an event that celebrates amazing things achieved by women. As a class, we wanted to honour and celebrate the incredible women who have left a mark on the world. We talked about the suffragette movement, how the roles of women have changed and recognised some extraordinary, influential women who have worked hard to make the world a fairer and better place.

Class 1ME

In 1ME’s assembly we looked at what courage means and how it can be shown. One of the ways courage can be shown is by standing up for something that isn’t right, the children acted this out. Furthermore, we spoke about our character muscle, perseverance and how this is a big part of courage. The children told everyone by having courage it can make you as powerful as a superhero.


Class 1FN

1FN retold the story of Snow White for their class assembly. It was an awesome performance filled with laughter and tears. They spent the week practicing their lines and creating props to bring the story to life. The acting from all of the children was incredible. Each of them had a chance to showcase their confidence and talent through their singing and dancing! 1FN you wowed all of the teachers and your families. We are incredibly proud of you.


Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 23rd & 30th of October

Focus assemblies’ weeks beginning the 23rd & 30th of October:  



  • To be aware of the origins of Halloween 
  • To understand how Halloween was celebrated then and now. 


We discussed the following: 

  • How the celebration has changed 
  • How Halloween is celebrated today 

We had a scary costume parade, played the traditional game of apple bobbing, and selected our costume winners. 

Head Boy & Head Girl 


  • To  select UIS’s Head Boy and Head Girl 


In today’s assembly, the children presented their speeches about why they should be selected to be the Head Boy or Girl for the school for this academic year.  

The teachers voted and chose a Head Boy, Deputy Head Boy, Head Girl, and Deputy Head Girl. 

The selected children will support the student governors in decision-making and come up with new ideas to help improve our school. They will be role models for the school and they will show and help other children to follow the school rules.   

Alexander the violinist 


  • To expose children at UIS to classical music and the violin. 
  • To celebrate difference 



In this assembly we: 

  • Welcomed Alexander.  Alexander has just passed his grade 6 violin exam. He is an absolute showman and the children were entranced with Alexander’s violin playing. 
  • Alexander played a range of classical music: 
  • Humoresque – Dvorak  
  • Lullaby – Brahms 
  • Ch’ella mi creda – Puccini 
  • Torna a Surriento – Ernesto di Curtis 

Alexander ended by playing Abba’s ‘I Have a Dream’. Playing the violin was Alexander’s dream. When people refused to help him with his dream because he has Down syndrome Alexander persevered, showing great resilience and independence.

Baby shark’s graduation

Wow ! What a wonderful end to the year , Celebrating the baby shark’s graduation .

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 3rd & 10th July

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 3rd & 10th July

Transition: Coping with Change


The children listened to a

Panther’s class assembly

In today’s assembly, we discussed the following:

What is change?

· Sometimes, a change happens to us and we don’t know what to expect.

· Change can affect us in different ways, we can feel happy and excited but anxious and worried at the same time.

There are many ways you can make changes feel positive

· Talk to an adult or friend

· Use positive words to help you feel brave about the change

· Do things you enjoy

Baby Shark Graduation


Our Baby Sharks graduated today and will now join our school nursery. The Baby Sharks have all made lots of friends. They have all grown in confidence, learned to share and take turns, and developed their concentration skills. We cannot wait to see them flourish even more during their time here.

Year 2

This week we said goodbye to our four year 2 classes. Each and every child has been an absolute pleasure to nurture during their time here. Our children leave us with the life skills they need to be happy, healthy, and successful citizens. We cannot wait to see them flourish in the next stage of their life journey.

We will miss you all!!!

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 19th & 26th June

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 19th & 26th June

The Importance of being valued

The children listened to a story about Sydney the spider who felt that nobody wanted him to be their friend.

We discussed how we would feel if we were Sydney and what character muscles we would use to make sure nobody would ever feel like Sydney.

The children said that if they were Sydney they would feel sad and the character muscles they would use to help him were compassion and respect.

· Compassion – be kind and care about everybody and help them until they are happy

· Respect – just because someone is different from us we must always treat them respectfully.

We then watched a video about spiders and learned lots of spider facts.

Panther’s class assembly


The Panthers class put on a show with an assembly all about celebrating diversity. There was acting, singing, dancing and inspirational advice for the audience. This was an opportunity for children to develop and showcase

their oracy skills. The children took responsibility to remember their lines and collaborated in knowing when to come on stage without any prompts.

The children showed how diverse our class is by speaking their mother tongue languages and celebrating their culture. We re-enacted key moments in history to highlight how far we have come and reminded ourselves that diversity is the key to unity.

Running out of Time


We took part in the ‘Running out of Time’ event to highlight climate change. The whole school wore red & blue to highlight the extreme weather.

To find out more about the ‘Running out of Time’ event please click on the link. https://running-out-of-time.com/

We are the champions

We celebrated the individual, team, and class sporting efforts of our KS1 children.

Our children cheered every medal and trophy winner showing what fantastic sportsmanship our children have.


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 5th & 12th June

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 5th & 12th June

Florence Nightingale





The children learned that International Nurses Day is held on Florence Nightingale’s birthday to remind everyone of the enormous impact that Florence had on nursing to this day.

We discussed the character muscles that Florence needed to make these changes:

· Compassion – Florence took time to talk to her patients and treated them with kindness.

· Respect – Florence showed respect to all of her patients. Everyone was treated the same.

· Independence – Florence fought against her parents’ wishes to independently study to be a nurse.

· Perseverance – Florence did not give up when she fought for the changes that were needed.

· Collaboration – Florence identified the importance of everyone working together to make sure the patients received the best care possible.

Making a difference






We discussed what making a difference means – making a difference means getting up and doing something, even if it is the smallest of things like opening a door for someone.

The children talked about how they have made a difference at school:

  • Following the golden rules
  • Holding open a door
  • Using our character muscles – being kind.

The children talked about how they have made a difference at home:

  • Tidying their bedroom
  • Helping their mum with the cooking
  • Playing nicely with their brothers and sisters

The children talked about how they had made a difference in the community:

  • Litter picking
  • Donating food to the local foodbanks
  • Gaining the green ECO flag by looking after the local environment
  • Please see a video clip of how our children have made a difference to the local habitats. https://vimeo.com/821619856/8eb1be51f8

The children talked about how they had made a difference to the wider world:

  • Raising thousands of pounds for Islamic Relief

Islamic Relief






In April the Islamic Relief charity visited us to tell our school about the charity work they undertake around the world. Our children, who are very compassionate, decided to raise money for the charity and in particular to help everyone who was affected by the Turkey and Syrian earthquakes.

On April 28th Uplands Infant & Nursery School did a sponsored walk and raised £4500.00 for Islamic Relief.

This week Islamic Relief came to tell us how our money was going to be used and to thank us for helping them support the victims of the terrible earthquakes.

Robin’s Class assembly

The Robins put on a great performance all about making sacrifices and how it ties in with Eid Ul Adha which lots of us celebrated this week

Prior to deciding our assembly topic, we had lots of class discussions about how we all make big and small sacrifices every day, why we make them, and how they can make us feel. Alongside this, we spoke about how Eid Ul Adha is based on a story all about Sacrifice.

The performance incorporated lots of singing, role-play scenarios about the sacrifices people who are close to us make, the sacrifices we have to make as children and we articulated how we should show compassion. Not only were we able to showcase our acting skills but by retelling the story behind Eid Ul Adha we showed how brilliant we are at using all the Oracy skills we have learned during our time at Uplands Infant School.

We were so confident with our knowledge of Eid Ul Adha and wanted to share in our assembly what people do to celebrate. We said that although sacrificing a sheep, eating nice food, and spending time with our family and friends is a big part of our festival the best part for us is wearing our finest clothes. So having a fashion show for us to show off our beautiful clothes to our school and parents was a must and a perfect finale for our last class assembly. We really did impress the crowd by strutting down the catwalk in style with our friends!

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 2nd& 8th May

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 2nd& 8th May

To recap the golden rules for our school.






We discussed the school rules which are:

  • We are kind and respectful
  • We share and take turns
  • We look after our school
  • We work hard
  • We listen
  • We are honest
  • Walk safely around school

We concluded that rules in life and school are important because they keep us all safe. We must all follow the rules.

Star’s Class Assembly

The Stars performed their assembly based on the book, ‘Greeta and the Giants.’  The children enjoyed performing to the whole school as they highlighted the importance of climate change.

Artist – Shazia Daud 

Our children were extremely fortunate to work with the acclaimed Islamic artist Shazia Daud. Shazia shared her learning journey with the children and spoke about the character muscles she needed to realise her dream. The main focus of Shazia’s art is Arabic Calligraphy. 

International Nurses Day 






We discussed the role of a nurse and the character muscles needed to be a nurse. 

The children identified that nurses need to: 

  • Be compassionate 
  • Have perseverance 
  • Be independent 
  • Work collaboratively 
  • Have respect for everyone 

The children then recognised that these are all the character muscles we work on strengthening in school and their importance. 


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 15th & 22nd May

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 15th & 22nd May

Acts of Kindness







In today’s assembly, we read ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.

The Rainbow Fish is a delightful story about a unique fish with shiny, shimmering scales, other fish admire him and want his scales. To begin with, Rainbow Fish was reluctant to share his scales but eventually found joy in sharing.

we discussed that kindness is:

– Being friendly, generous, and considerate of others.

– Showing goodwill to others.

– Being concerned when others are upset or worried.

– Helping people when they need you.

– Doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return.


In today’s assembly, we discussed the following and did a quiz:

· In school everyone has the right to feel safe.

· We know that bullying is when it is done several times on purpose.

· If a person is being bullied they need to tell an adult.

· Being bullied makes people feel sad.

Rainbow’s Class Assembly

Rainbow’s class celebrated the important male role models in their lives through amazing acting, dancing, singing and, heart-warming personal tributes.

Quokka’s Class Assembly – Kindness

In Quokkas assembly we retold the story of The Smartest Giant in Town, written by Julia Donaldson. The story is about a kind giant called George who puts other people’s needs before his own. George realised being kind was much more important than being smart. In our assembly, we spoke about the importance of kindness and how everyone can be kind through small acts. In being kind, it can make the world a better place.

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 17th & 24th April

The Meaning of Ramadan

• Muslims fast during the month a Ramadan for self-discipline and a reminder of what life is like for others who are less fortunate and do not have enough food.
• During Ramadan Muslims break their fast at sunset with a special family meal.
• Ramadan falls in the 9th month in the Islamic calendar – meaning it occurs a little earlier each year in the UK. Ramadan lasts for about 30 days so is referred to as ‘the month of fasting’.
• At the end of Ramadan Eid ul Fitr is celebrated.

Relationships (Jigsaw PSHE)

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:
• We started with ‘calm me’ time and practiced the ‘rainbow breathing technique to help us feel calm and focused.
• The children worked in talk partners to discuss how they can be a good friend and show kindness to their families.
• The assembly ended with the children thinking about one thing they will change to be even better at relationships than they are now.


We recapped the definition of independence. We defined this as:
• Doing things for yourself.
• Taking responsibility for your own decisions.
• Being yourself – not copying others

We focussed on the definition of taking responsibility for your own decisions.

We discussed the importance of balance in our life by:
• Discussing the word balance.
• Looking at how our bodies balance physically.
• Explaining that in our lives we all need balance in how we spend our time and energy.

We concluded that it is not good for us to play all the time and never get any work done. However, it also is not good for us to work so hard that we never have time to play. We also need time with our family and friends and time on our own as well as a balance of being awake and getting plenty of sleep.

Red Arrows Class Assembly

Red Arrows performed a musical production about Mothers. It was filled with music and dance from around the world. There was whole class singing and a salsa dance followed by children singing solo to a gentle Celine Dion Song ‘A mother’s prayer’ and a classic Indian song ‘Tu Kitni achi hain’. Their voices were uplifting, and heartwarming and their confidence was outstanding. Every single child joined in to showcase their talent but most of all, they had fun! The production ended with a dramatic bhangra dance, leaving the audience wanting more.

Raindrops Class Assembly – Heroes

The Raindrops celebrated Superhero Day. We thought about what it takes to be a hero and realised it is not about what you WEAR being a hero is about what you DO. We realised anyone can be a hero if they help others and look after our planet. We challenge you to see how YOU can be a hero!


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 20th & 27th March


Aims: To understand the meaning of Easter.


We read the Easter Story:

  • Christmas – the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Easter – the celebration of the end of Jesus’s life and the start of his new life in heaven with God.
  • Jesus was put on a cross and his death is called the crucifixion.
  • A great stone was rolled across the doorway of his tomb to keep it safe.
  • Jesus rose from death three days later on Easter Day.
  • Jesus’ followers saw him for the last time on a mountaintop – as he rose up into heaven (called the ascension).
  • tomb to keep it safe.
  • Jesus rose from death three days later on Easter Day.
  • Jesus’ followers saw him for the last time on a mountaintop – as he rose up into heaven (called the ascension).)


We recapped the definition of compassion. We defined this as being kind.

We focussed on how gestures we use, how we position our bodies, and the look we have on our faces make a big difference to how other people see us.

We identified that our body language can be more powerful than our words. It can have a huge negative impact if we give someone a nasty look or turn our back on someone during a conversation.

Rockets Class Assembly – Mother’s Day

The children in the Rockets class delivered an assembly for Mother’s Day. We talked about why it is important to celebrate the women in our lives and why our mums are special to us.

Astronauts Class Assembly Giraffes Can’t Dance

The amazing astronauts used their acting, singing, and dancing skills to perform the story of ‘Giraffes can’t dance’. They persevered, challenged themselves, worked hard, and developed the confidence to perform for the whole school and their parents.

Avengers Class Assembly – Make a difference

Our class assembly was about making a lasting difference in the world today. Our award ceremony highlighted the achievements of significant people in history such as Malala Yousafzai, Neil Armstrong, Mahatma Ghandi, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie and Marcus Rashford. We all shared our ideas of what we will do to make a difference. We thoroughly enjoyed walking down the red carpet to ‘Hall of Fame’ and singing and dancing to ‘Million Dreams’ and ‘Firework’. You can find the full performance on SeeSaw on our class page, enjoy.

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 6th & 13th March

World Book Day


We discussed the following:

World Book Day is about children exploring the amazing world of books and reading!
The more you read, the more you’ll know.
Books are magical and you can visit other worlds and times.
Books spark your imagination
Reading helps you to become a better writer.
Books are relaxing to read after a long day at school

Cello Concert


The children were thrilled to hear how Ellie learned to become a cellist.
Ellie played a range of music and answered lots of questions. The concert ended with Ellie playing Pachaalbel’s Canon, a request from Rayhaan in Year 2.


We recapped the definition of compassion. We defined this as being kind.

We focussed on being a friend and the attributes that a good friend has.

The children identified the following attributes:
• Playing games together
• Helping someone who has fallen down
• Looking after someone when they are upset

We also agreed that it is lovely to have friends who are compassionate towards us but that it is important that we make an effort to be compassionate to other people. Real friendship is not about what we can get out of someone, but what we can give to them.


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 13th & 27th February

Valentine’s Day & Turkey and Syria Earthquake


We discussed the following:

  • Valentine’s Day – we had a discussion about the people we love. Children contributed.
  • We discussed how people express their love for each other. Children contributed.
  • We then went on to discuss the earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria and related it back to how people have lost their loved ones. We related this back to Valentine’s Day and thinking about how the people of Turkey and Syria are feeling.
  • We watched a Newsround report which gave children more of an insight into how the earthquake happened and how help is being delivered by countries around the world.
  • We then finished the assembly by having thinking time about our loved ones and thought about the feelings people of Turkey and Syria must be feeling too.

Pancake Day  


We discussed the following:

  • Pancake Day is also called Shrove Tuesday
  • It is celebrated on the Tuesday before Lent begins
  • Lent is a time when Christians are getting ready for Easter
  • In the past people gave up food like eggs, milk and sugar at Lent
  • The day before Lent these ingredients were used up to make pancakes and that is why people eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday!


We recapped the definition of compassion. We defined this as:

  • Caring about others
  • Treating others with kindness
  • Helping people in need

We discussed the following:

  • How someone has been kind to them.
  • How we have been kind to someone.
  • What being unkind looks like and sounds like.

We then identified different ways in which we can show kindness:

  • We can be friendly and helpful.
  • We can tidy up.
  • We can make sure that we do not leave anybody out when we are playing outside.
  • We can hold the door open for someone.
  • We can smile at people in school.
  • We can show respect.

The children listened to the story of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’. We then discussed how we should still be kind even if someone is not always kind to us and when you are kind to someone your kindness will be repaid


We recapped the definition of independence. We defined this as:

  • Doing things for yourself.
  • Taking responsibility for your own decisions.
  • Being yourself – not copying others

We focussed on the definition of being yourself.

The children listened to the story of the oak, elm, and willow tree.

We then discussed the story and concluded that it is important to just be yourself and not to copy others.

Koalas’ class assembly


The children shared their excellent knowledge of Ramadan with the rest of the school. The narration, singing, and dancing were delivered clearly and confidently


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 30th January & 6th February

Wellbeing (Mental Health Week)

We discussed the following:

  • Mental health is important to our overall well-being and is as important as physical health. When we feel mentally well, we can work productively, enjoy our free time, and contribute actively to our school and community.
  • There are also plenty of ways to improve mental health and wellbeing the NHS recommends 5 steps to help us feel more positive and able to get the most out of life:
  1. Connect with other people (building positive relationships)
  2. Be physically active (physical health and fitness)
  3. Learn new skills (to improve mental wellbeing)
  4. Give to others (acts of giving and kindness)
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)



We recapped the definition of perseverance. We defined this as not giving up, to keep going even when it is hard.

I asked for 2 volunteers who believed that they are good at keeping going even when things get hard! Both volunteers were asked to throw the ball in the air and catch it. They found this very easy. I then blindfolded them and asked them to repeat the activity. This time both volunteers found this much harder but they persevered and did not give up.

We discussed the following:

  • This was a game but in life, it can sometimes be hard to keep going when things seem difficult
  • When we are finding things difficult it is good to ask for help or talk to our friends and family
  • The children told their partner things they found difficult at school but persevered with

Possibility assembly

Today we invited Umar, an aspiring artist, to come to talk to our children about his journey to becoming a professional artist.

Umar discussed his passion for art and highlighted how art is anything and is anywhere. He showcased some of his work and achievements. Umar created some art with a few children by using charcoal and moving the charcoal with their feet and showed how this can be art too. Umar talked about how he is going to go to Art School in London and is aspiring to be an influential artist in the future. Umar showed that it doesn’t matter what culture, religion, or gender we are, we can be anything we want if we believe in ourselves. By the end of the talk, we had a hall full of children that want to pursue a career in art.

Wallabies’ class assembly

WOW, WOW. WOW!!!!!

Wallabies treated us to a spectacular assembly all about books. They started with a quiz, where the audience had to guess the book that was being acted out. The children then showed and talked about their favourite book. They ended their assembly with a musical extravaganza of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Every single child participated. The acting, singing, and narration were excellent.

Kangaroos’ class assembly

Another fabulous assembly by the very talented Kangaroo class. The Kangaroos taught us all about the importance of love and respect. Parents had tears in their eyes when their child clearly narrated why they loved their parents and then presented them with a beautiful red rose. The children then sang one of my favourite songs, ‘Magic Penny’. Every single child participated and the acting, singing, and narration were excellent.

Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 16th & 23rd January

Dream & Goals (Jigsaw PSHE)

In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • We started with ‘calm me’ time and practiced the ‘rainbow breathing technique to help us feel calm and focused
  • The children worked with talk partners to discuss something they had done that made them feel proud
  • The children had to guess why a rollercoaster is like having a dream or goal. Not every dream is easy to achieve so we have to go through ups and downs to get there.
  • The assembly ended with the children thinking about a dream or goal that is important to them and how they might achieve it.

Gratitude and being thankful

What does gratitude mean?

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It’s about focusing on what’s good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have. Gratitude is pausing to notice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted, like having a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, and even computer access.

  • Mrs. Ashdown shared her gratitude journal and showed some examples of things she is thankful for
  • Reflection: The children had some time to think about what they are grateful for
  • They read the story ‘A squash and a Squeeze’ by Julia Donaldson
  • The assembly ended with some deep breathing


In our assembly today, we discussed the following:

  • The definition of collaboration
  • The importance of teamwork
  • The children took part in 2 different activities to show that working together helps everyone achieve

Focus assemblies - weeks beginning 5th & 12th December

Assembly Focus: Celebrating Difference (Jigsaw PSHE)

Aim: To understand that we are all unique and that is what makes us special.

We discussed the following:

  • We started assembly with ‘calm me time’
  • We practised our rainbow breathing technique
  • We looked at photos of different people and identified what is same and what is different?
  • We had some reflection time to think about:

-What makes you unique?

-What makes your friend unique?

-Remember that people are similar but never the same because everyone is unique.

Assembly Focus: Germs 

In today’s assembly we were learning about how we can stay healthy by washing our hands.

That we should wash our hands:

  • Before a meal
  • When using the toilet
  • When you have sneezed or coughed
  • After handling animals
  • When your hands are dirty

Germs are so tiny that we cannot see them and they can spread quickly. This was demonstrated using glitter.

We sang the ‘wash your hands song’ to help us remember the best way to wash our hands.


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 21st & 28th November

Assembly Focus: The Meaning of Diwali

  • Diwali is a very important celebration for Hindus.
  • It is known as the ‘festival of lights’ and celebrates the New Year.
  • The word Diwali means rows of lighted lamps.
  • During the festival, Hindus celebrate a Diwali legend of the return of Rama and Sita to Rama’s Kingdom after fourteen years of being banished.

Assembly Focus: Compassion

We recapped the definition of Independence and Compassion.

We listened to the Sesame Street kindness song and children discussed the different ways that their friends and family had shown compassion to them.

We listened to the story; ‘Kindness is my superpower’.

  • Diwali is a very important celebration for Hindus.
  • It is known as the ‘festival of lights’ and celebrates the New Year.
  • The word Diwali means rows of lighted lamps.
  • During the festival, Hindus celebrate a Diwali legend of the return of Rama and Sita to Rama’s Kingdom after fourteen years of being banished

We identified the different ways that Lucas showed compassion and how showing compassion to people makes you a happier positive person.

Assembly Focus: Anti-Bullying

We discussed the following:

  • Bullying is when a person hurts another person mentally or physically and does it several times on purpose.
  • At our school, we use the word ‘STOP’ to identify bullying (Several Times On Purpose)
  • It is important to remember that single problems and falling out with friends are not bullying.
  • Bullying can happen face to face or online
  • We can reach out to our family, friends school staff and Anti- Bullying Champions if we are worried about bullying

Assembly Focus: Compassion

We recapped the definition of Independence and Compassion.

We looked at and discussed various examples that children had uploaded to Seesaw of how they were showing Compassion at home.

Below are just a few examples:

While we were talking about compassion Maryam said that she would like to save her pocket money to give to the poor people in Pakistan affected by the flooding. She has also been helping her little sister learn to jump as she is finding in difficult. Maryam jumps and asks her sister to copy.

Asmaa helping her mommy tidy up her toys and folding her clothes.

Assembly Focus: Perseverance

Aim: To introduce our Perseverance character muscle

We discussed the following:

  • The definition of Perseverance
  • How we can show Perseverance

We then watched the Derek Redmond ‘Never Give Up’ video and discussed how he had shown immense perseverance.


Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 7th & 14th November

Assembly Focus: Future Possibilities

As part of our drive to expose our children to a range of future job possibilities Sajal came to talk to the children about training and working as an architect. For further details about the assembly, follow the directions below:

  • click on our Teaching and Learning tab on our website
  • click on Curriculum Vision
  • click on Curriculum Drivers and scroll down

Assembly Focus: Remembrance Day

We discussed the following:

  • Remembrance Day is held on the 11th of November – the 11th day of the 11th month of the year.
  • A two-minute silence is always held at 11:00am to remember the millions who have died during conflict.
  • Remembrance Day was first held in 1919, one year after the First World War ended. It is sometimes known as Armistice Day.
  • We use Remembrance Day to remember all those who fought for their country, those who died and those who came home.

Assembly Focus: Compassion

We recapped the definition of Independence and Compassion.

We listened to the Sesame Street kindness song and discussed the different ways that we can show compassion.

We listened to the story; ‘At school kindness starts with you’.

The children spoke to their talk partner and told them how they had shown compassion today.

Using the sentence stem; I showed compassion when… children stood up and shared how they had shown compassion with the rest of the school.

Assembly Focus: Diwali production

Our wonderfully talented Year 1 children showcased their incredible knowledge of Diwali and their amazing acting, singing and dancing skills when they performed to a packed house at the Ark theatre. The children were very confident and clearly and loudly articulated all of their words.

Assembly Focus: Anti-Bullying Week and Odd Socks Day

We discussed the following:

  • Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-Bullying Week
  • All staff and children came to school in odd socks to celebrate the fact that we are all unique
  • Our Student Governors and our Anti-Bullying Champions introduced a task for all classes to complete. All classes were asked to design and create a poster to promote Anti-Bullying. The winning posters will then be printed and displayed around the school
Focus assemblies – weeks beginning 24th & 31st October

Assembly Focus: Keeping Healthy

Today we had Dina from Survival Den in Leicester come to our assembly to show us how to keep fit and healthy.

Survival Den runs classes for children to help them maintain and enjoy active lifestyles by keeping healthy. These classes are a great way to build confidence and learn new skills.

Please visit their website for more details.


Assembly Focus: Compassion

Aim: To introduce our Compassion character muscle

We discussed the following:

  • The definition of compassion
  • What compassion looks like in our school
  • How we can show compassion

Assembly Focus: Harvest performance

Aim: Year 2 to present what Harvest is and its importance.

  • Year 2 used their oracy skills to clearly present facts about Harvest.
  • Year 1 joined in with the Harvest songs they had learnt in singing assembly.
  • We discussed how, as a community, we were using our compassion character muscle by helping people in need.
Running out of time
The whole school hosted the ‘Running out of time’ event to highlight climate change.
The visitors loved the performance and the work the children are doing to support the environment.


Weeks beginning 6th & 13th June 2022

Our assemblies over the 2 weeks focussed on: Our gifts, Walking to school, resilience and determination

Our individual gifts

 We looked at the film ‘Encanto’ to consider that all our gifts are valuable.

We discussed the following:


  • Is it only people with super/magical powers that have gifts?
  • Does Mirabel have gifts because she does not have any magical/super powers?
  • What are Mirabel’s’ special gifts?
  • Mirabel’s gifts are responsibility, self-efficacy, resilience, collaboration, empathy and independence.

The children learnt that our character muscles are our special gifts/super power.

 Walking to school

We discussed the reasons to walk to school:

  • Healthier bodies and healthier minds
  • Fewer cars at the school gates
  • Less pollution
  • Fun with friends and family

The children were excited about the badges they could earn and pledged to walk to school. For those who have a long way to travel they were going to ask their parents to park a little bit further away so they could still do some walking.

Resilience and determination

We learnt about how Atlantic salmon spend most of their life at sea but make an epic journey back to the river where they hatched so that they can lay their eggs. As they are going back to where they hatched, they have to swim upstream which is against the flow of water.

We discussed:

  • The meaning of determination and resilience and what that looked like
  • How the salmon had to be both resilient and determined
  • What swimming against the flow meant
  • How we have to be resilient and determined when we do not want to follow the behaviour of others


Our super cute and talented morning and afternoon Nursery children including our Baby Sharks performed our very last class assemblies. Here they showed us the repertoire of nursery rhymes they have learnt throughout the year, making sure that ‘Humpty Dumpty’ found where he belonged. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos.

Weeks beginning 2nd & 9th May 2022

Our assemblies focussed on Ramadan, EID, Looking after our world, Possibilities (Respect, Motivation and Resilience) and Jealousy.


Aims: To understand the importance of Ramadan.

We discussed the following:

  • During Ramadan Muslims fast to remind people about what life is like for people who are less fortunate and do not have enough food.
  • Children under the age of 11 are not expected to fast until they are a lot older.
  • During Ramadan Muslims break their fast at sunset with a special family meal.
  • Ramadan falls in the 9th month in the Islamic calendar – meaning it occurs a little earlier each year in the UK. Ramadan lasts for about 30 days so is referred to as ‘the month of fasting’.

Looking after our World

 An inspiring assembly led by our ECO conscious Reception classes Stars and Comets

Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos about how Reception children are improving our school environment and raising awareness of environmental issues to the rest of the school.

The meaning of Eid Al Fitr

We discussed the following:

  • Eid Al-Fitr is a celebration that happens when Ramadan ends.
  • Muslims know that Eid Al-Fitr is here when they see a new crescent moon in the sky.
  • Eid Al-Fitr is a very special time when family and friends get together to have fun and celebrate.
  • It is also a time to give charity.


 Aim: To consider the theme of Jealousy by looking at the story of Joseph in the Christian Bible.

We defined the word jealousy:

  • Jealous is a strong feeling.
  • Jealous is wanting something that someday else has.
  • Jealousy is wanting to do something that other people are allowed to do.
  • Jealousy is wanting to be as good at something as somebody else is.

We learnt about the story of Joseph and his multi-coloured coat. We discussed why his brothers were jealous and how being jealous can cause great unhappiness.


A wonderful inspiring assembly performed by our amazing Year 1 class Bluebells.

Bluebells love History and they told us the story of the significant person Bessie Coleman, who had to show resilience, perseverance and motivation to become the first black female aviator.

Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos that will undoubtedly make you feel happy.

Week beginning 7th & 14th March

Our assemblies focussed on Respect, Believe in yourself, Possibilities and Happiness.


We recapped the definition of respect.

We then focussed on ‘How you treat others.’ The children identified that to show respect we have to treat everyone with kindness making sure we think about how we speak to people.

We looked at the different roles in school and how all adults showed care and respect to all children.

We focussed on the role of the dinner lady and how children should show respect to them:

  • Listening to the dinner lady and following their instruction.
  • Be polite at all times.
  • Say thank you.
  • Not expecting the dinner ladies to clean up their mess. Children needed to show respect and responsibility by making sure food was not thrown on the floor and all rubbish was put into the bins.

Believe in yourself

 A superb class assembly performed by the wonderful Year 2 class Pandas. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos.


 This was our second assembly to help widen our children’s knowledge of potential career paths.

We were visited by our ex pupil Wasim who spoke about his role as an audiologist and lecturer. The children were interested to learn about how our ears worked.

For further detail about the assembly, follow the directions below:

  • click on our Teaching and Learning tab
  • click on Curriculum Vision
  • click on Curriculum Drivers and scroll down


 A fabulous class assembly performed by our stunning Reception classes, Rockets and Aliens. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos that will undoubtedly make you feel happy.

Weeks beginning 21st & 28th February 2022

Our assemblies focussed on World Book Day, Responsibility, St Valentine, Possibilities and Emotional Intelligence.

World Book Day

We discussed the following:

  • World Book Day is about children exploring the amazing world of books and reading!
  • The more you read, the more you’ll know.
  • Books are magical and you can visit other worlds and times.
  • Books spark your imagination
  • Reading helps you become a better writer.
  • Books are relaxing to read after a long day at school.


 We explored what it is to be responsible to others.

How teachers are responsible to the children’s parents and Head teacher.

How Head teachers are responsible to the school governors, CEO and trustees – this evoked lots of questions and children were able to link the role of the student governors with that of the school governors.

We watched and discussed the story of the stonecutter who wished to have more and more responsibility so he could be the most powerful force on earth.

St Valentine

 A wonderful class assembly performed by our Year 2 Ninja class. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos.


 This was our first assembly to help widen our children’s knowledge of potential career paths.

We were visited by our ex pupil Wasim who spoke about his role as a structures and pavement engineer. The children were wowed about how he had to climb to the top of some very high bridges!

For further detail about the assembly, follow the directions below:

  • click on our Teaching and Learning tab
  • click on Curriculum Vision
  • click on Curriculum Drivers and scroll down


 A fabulous class assembly performed by our amazing Year 1 Ivy class. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos.

Weeks beginning 31st January & 7th February

Our assemblies focused on NSPCC speak out and stay safe, Possibilities, COVID-19 and Responsibility.

NSPCC Speak Out. Stay Safe Assembly

  • To learn about how to stay safe

We discussed the following:

  • We learnt about children’s rights and discussed ones we feel are most important to us, some of these are:


Our fabulous Dragon Class performed a fantastic assembly about our school curriculum driver, possibilities. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see the class video.


We discussed:

  • What does responsibility mean and why it is important to be responsible?

The children identified that to be responsible we must: take care of ourselves and others:

  • take ownership;
  • do our duties or jobs;
  • take care of our things and other people’s;
  • keep our promises;
  • help to take care of our homes,
    schools, communities and even
    the world.

We then talked about the different things we were responsible for.


Another amazing class assembly performed by the incredible Year 1 Orchid class. Please scroll down to class assemblies to see pictures and videos.

Weeks beginning 17th & 24th January 2022

Our assemblies focused on Ant-Bullying, Resilience, Chinese New Year and Responsibility.


  • To understand what bullying is know how to get help.

We discussed the following:

  • Bullying is hurting someone else on purpose.
  • Bullying is something that happens over and over again.
  • That there are different kinds of bullying for example verbal and physical
  • To tell someone – a parent, teacher, older relative. They will make sure it is dealt with properly.

Chinese New Year

 To learn about Chinese New Year customs.

We discussed the following:

  • We read the story about The Chinese New Year
  • We watched a dragon and lion dance performance
  • This is the year of the tiger


We listened to the ‘The Swallow’s Story’ and discussed all the ways in which she was showing resilience.

We then identified top tips for resilience:

  • Be Thankful
  • Work hard
  • Ask for help
  • Keep trying
  • Believe in yourself
  • Stay calm
  • Laugh


 We began to think about what responsibility is and the different types of repsonsibility:

  • Moral
  • Legal
  • Family
  • Community
  • Personal
Weeks beginning 4th & 10th January 2022

Our assemblies focused on New Year Resolutions, Dreams and Goals, Feeling safe, our school motto and Resilience.

New Year Resolutions

  •  To understand when, why and how New Year is celebrated

We discussed the following:

  • New Year’s Eve is celebrated on December 31st, the last day of the calendar year.
  • People enjoy getting together with family or friends and counting down the hours, minutes and seconds to the start of a brand new year.
  • Many people like to make New Year resolutions which are personal goals that they aim to work on throughout the year.

Dreams and Goals (Jigsaw)

  • To be able to think of a time they did not give up until they achieved their goal.

We discussed the following:

  • The children had some thinking time to think of something they have done that they found tricky to start with but with practice and never giving up they managed to do it.
  • We discussed some examples like learning to walk, riding a bike.
  • We elaborated on always trying, keep practising and never giving up until you can do it.

Feeling safe

We discussed what feeling safe at school looked like and what to do if they were worried about anything. The children identified the following strategies.

  • Tell and adult in school – all children said there was an adult in school that they could talk to.
  • Tell a friend.
  • Tell a member of their family.

We also talked about our own responsibility if we see somebody in school who is upset. The children said they would either talk to that child or make sure that an adult knows so they can support the child.

School logo

We talked about what the 3 words in our motto meant and looked like in school.

  • Nurture

Care for and protect

  • Empower

Make someone stronger and more confident

  • Flourish

To grow and develop in a healthy way


We defined what resilience meant:

  • Overcome challenges and work through problems.
  • Do not dwell on problems or worries.

We then read the story; ‘The Hugging Tree’ by Jill Niemark.

The Hugging Tree is the story of a little tree growing all alone on a cliff. The tree endures many hardships, but with a little help from a kind little boy, it grows and gives shelter to others. Like the Hugging Tree, despite times of struggle and difficulty, we can be resilient and thrive, just where we are.

The children enjoyed the rubber band challenge. Can we permanently change the shape of the rubber band?

The children quickly realised that you could not. I explained that when the elastic band was made into a different shape it represented the times that we found difficult but by being resilient we can bounce back to our everyday selves – just like the elastic band bounced back to its original shape.

Class Assemblies

Dragons Assembly
The Dragons class put on a show with an assembly all about possibilities. There was acting, singing, dancing and inspirational advice for the audience. This was an opportunity for children to develop and showcase their oracy skills.
The experience of performing an assembly facilitated developing their character muscles.
The children persevered in learning their lines, song lyrics and choreography in between their literacy and maths lessons and even practising at home.
There were times when the children would forget their lines or miss a dance move in rehearsals, but showed great resilience in trying again and did not give up.
The children took responsibility to remember their lines and collaborated in knowing when to come on stage without any prompts.
Before going on stage the nerves kicked it in and this was the perfect opportunity for them to learn about self efficacy. By motivating one another and believing in themselves they grew in confidence and put on a brilliant show! The children performed the assembly independently without the support of their teachers and there were children that led the dance routine and conducted the singing.
Through the experience of preparing and performing for the assembly, the children truly experienced the meaning of possibilities.
Videos of the assembly can be seen in the ‘Video’ section below.
Orchids Assembly

Orchids class assembly was all about Coronavirus and how it changed the way we live.

Orchids class showcased their amazing acting skills, particularly the brilliant portrayal of our Prime Minister Boris Johnson!

There were also fantastic stories, dances and songs, Orchids did a wonderful job of telling us all about the Coronavirus pandemic.

Ninjas Assembly

Ninjas performed their assembly all about Valentines Day, how it is celebrated in Britain and the importance of love and kindness. Children expressed love and gratitude for their family, friends and teachers through becoming actors, dancers and singers, showcasing their oracy skills and character muscles and undeniable talent. Ninjas were truly awesome and love, kindness and gratitude certainly filled our hearts.

Ivy Assembly

The Ivy class put on a great performance all about feelings and emotions. At the beginning of the year, in literacy, they read a book called The Colour Monster by the author Anna Llenas. This book allowed the children to explore a range of emotions and learn different vocabulary to describe each emotion. For the assembly, Ivy class chose to share what they had learnt about the emotions of sadness, calmness, anger, fear and happiness. The opportunity also allowed the children to showcase the development of their oracy skills.

The performance consisted of singing, dancing, roleplay, the recitation of a poem and an opportunity for the children to share their views in regard to a particular feeling/emotion. The children persevered in learning their lines, their poem and the choreography of the different dances both at school and at home. This was carried out alongside their classroom learning. The experience allowed the children to further develop their character muscles such as perseverance, collaboration, motivation and self-efficacy.

On the day of the performance, the pupils confidently carried out their roles whilst motivating one another at the same time. The children were able to perform independently using loud and clear voices and knowing when it was their turn to perform. The assembly allowed the children to revisit and further expand their knowledge in regard to feelings and emotions as it is important for them to recognise and use the correct vocabulary to describe how they are feeling.

Videos from the assembly can be seen in the sections below.

Panda's Assembly

Ever had a bad day and wished that you were someone else? Perhaps a mountain gorilla? A tiger? Don’t worry, after watching the Pandas fantastic assembly you’ll soon change your mind and realise how incredible you all truly are!

“You’re fab and fantastic, you’re one of a kind. You’re unique and amazing, always bear that in mind!”

Aliens & Rockets Assembly
Last weekend was international happiness day, our assembly was all about happiness! The children sang songs, danced and told everyone what makes them happy.
It was an amazing performance which the children loved acting out.
Comets & Stars Assembly

The Comets and Stars children performed their assembly all about the environment, they made a video of their very own story using a story map! The video can be seen below.