Our parent workshops are held in school and are open to all parents. We try to cover as much of the curriculum as we can and are also open to suggestions from parents.

The parent workshop videos are available on Seesaw so please make sure you have access.

If you have any questions regarding the workshops, or would like additional support, please feel free to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or our Admin Team.

Phonics Workshop - March 2024

Thanks to all who attended the phonics workshop today. It was great to see so many parents and tell you more about the Phonics Screening Check that takes place in June.
There were lots of tips for how to help your child practice and secure their skills at home through their reading and we practiced the pure sounds together. The presentation is included here along with an example of a past paper and photographs from today’s session. I
If you have any further questions about phonics, the Year 1 check, or if you would like to find out more, please see your child’s class teacher.

Year 2 SATs Parent Workshop

Parent Workshops 2022-2023

Coronation quiz for parents

The parents celebrated  the King Charles coronation by playing games ,quiz and learned about British values.

Getting ready for school workshop

The parents were given top tips and challenges to help their child to be ready for nursery which includes;
• Using songs and rhymes
• Sharing stories
• Early writing/mark making
• Get up and go –ideas for Physical Development
• Early math games




Early words Together at Three
Early Words Together at Three sessions are run by our family support worker and aim to empower parents to develop and enrich the home learning environment and support their child’s early language and literacy.
Sessions are delivered to small groups of families with children aged 3-4 over six weeks.
Through our work with families, we improve confidence and understanding of children’s language development.