All school meals are free of charge!

The school lunchtime runs between 11.45am and 1.00pm for Reception & 12:00pm – 1.00pm for Year 1 and Year 2.

We employ 14 lunchtime supervisors with one Midday Supervisor who oversees the lunchtime period.

Lunch Sittings: 

11.45am – 12.15pm    Reception

12.00pm – 12.30pm (1KU & 1FN) / 12:30pm – 1:00pm  (1MA)    Year 1

12.30pm – 1.00pm        Year 2


All children are encouraged to eat their lunch but we do not force them to do so. If a child refuses to eat we will let you know. If they do not feel hungry or do not eat very much, we will let you know via a slip home. We check to ensure that all children have eaten at least something from their packed lunch.

All school meals are free of charge and so we encourage all of our parents to sign up for school meals. However, if you would like to provide a healthy packed lunch, you can find more information and ideas on what to provide here.

We supervise all children at lunchtime. However, accidents do still happen such as bumps and falls, especially when children are playing games. If a child suffers an injury at lunchtime, an accident slip will be completed and given to the class teacher to discuss with the parents at home time. If there is a more serious injury, we will phone home first.

Our Lunchtime Policy can be read below: