Expressive Art & Design

At Uplands Infant School we want our children to have the opportunity to be able to explore and express their creativity in a variety of ways. Our Expressive Art & Design curriculum has been developed in response to the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the school’s curriculum drivers, which aim to develop our children’s cultural capital, and our understanding of children’s development. Our curriculum equips children with the opportunities to explore their creativity in a range of ways and to develop their self-expression and communication skills.  We know that our children’s previous experiences of art and design are varied and mixed, we aim to expose children to new experiences as well as deepen existing skills and understanding.  Through exploration we empower children to use all their senses, take risks, problem solve, adapt, collaborate and take a pride in their creations, supporting our children’s developments of Effective Characteristics of Learning.

Our EAD Curriculum is taught through teacher directed sessions and child initiated learning.  Our environment enables children to independently choose how to show their creativity, fostering a learning atmosphere that embraces individual children’s strengths enabling them to frequently access and revisit these skills.  They will have had ample opportunities to observe and experiment with different materials, tools, techniques, music and movements. For our pupils, emphasis is put on the process they go through rather than on the finished product.  In creating, designing and making, children have investigated and used a variety of materials and techniques as well as explored colour, line, texture and pattern.  They have developed their visual, spatial and tactile awareness and used marks, picture drawings, paintings and constructions to create products. Through music pupils will express feelings and emotions.  They will have participated in playing instruments, using everyday objects to make music, singing, moving rhythmically and expressively to music, listened to music and created their own.  Children are supported to develop their confidence and pride in their creative achievements.    Activities such as dance, role-play, stories, art, and music lessons, ignite children’s creativity which they further explore through provision and child-led activities. We use practical activity, enquiry and purposeful play, with consolidation through practice, talk and reflection.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have been exposed to range of skills, experiences and language to help them express their creativity.  They will be more confident in their skills, proud of their achievements and more able to articulate their ideas and opinions.  Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Creating with Materials and Being Expressive.


At Uplands Infant School our literacy curriculum has been designed to build on our children’s cultural capital, through our curriculum drivers, our children’s interests and the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Reading consists of two dimensions language comprehension and word reading. We empower our children to be able to speak and write fluently in order to share their ideas and emotions with others. We do this through shared reading, shared writing, Talk for writing, phonics and guided reading and writing sessions. Pupils read a wide range of texts for pleasure in order to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. As well as developing a lifelong love for reading. This will enable our children to communicate confidently and effectively, to allow them to become a successful global citizen. Through cognitive research we have designed our literacy curriculum to aid long term retention.

Our teaching of literacy within the Early Years is on a weekly cycle with teaching and learning opportunities within the continuous provision. Our continuous provision is carefully planned to ensure that literacy knowledge is practised and embedded through specific challenges and through an open-ended approach to learning. Children build upon previously taught knowledge both within and across year groups. We implement KTC which is a quality first approach to teaching phonics, reading and writing in Early Years.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in Literacy. Our children will demonstrate their ability to write simple sentences that are phonetically decidable, read simple sentences and to be able to comprehend. Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for word reading, writing and comprehension.

Physical Development

Our Physical Education curriculum has been designed to enable our children to become happy, healthy and active in order to secure neurological, sensory and motor foundations.  It is intended to instil in them a lifelong love of physical activity and sport and the importance of a positive healthy and physical outlook. Our practitioners endeavour to identify and address early signs of adverse childhood experiences such as malnutrition, illness or neglect.

Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum facilitates the development of the Key Physical Education concepts of Movement, Gymnastics, Dance, Ball skills, Team games and Athletics which are further built upon in Key Stage one.

We prioritise care opportunities and a collaborative approach including families to support the development of life long positive attitudes to self- care and healthy decision making.

Our expert practitioners understand the intimate connection between the brain, the body and the mind, so we provide extended periods of active physical play where children are encouraged to take risk and challenge themselves.  Our Indoor and outdoor learning environments allow for gross and fine motor experiences. These are offered daily through a combination of direct teach and continuous provision to develop core strength, co- ordination and stability. Our continuous provision enables application and replication of physical knowledge and skills taught in different contexts, with pertinent cross curricula links, offering a more open ended approach to learning which challenges and empowers children to demonstrate their learning and skills in imaginative and different ways.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in their Physical development. Our children will demonstrate their ability to move and control their bodies with confidence.  Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Gross Motor and Fine Motor skills.

Personal Social & Emotional

At Uplands Infant School we want our children to be happy, safe and secure. Our PSE curriculum is underpinned and built upon our children’s cultural capital, through our curriculum drivers, our children’s interests and the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. We specifically promote children’s personal, social and emotional development and help them to lead happy and healthy lives to support their cognitive development. Our curriculum equips children with knowledge and practical skills to demonstrate confidence and independence in their own abilities to persist when challenges arise and to cultivate a knowledge of right and wrong to promote their emotional intelligence. It also contributes to safeguarding, providing pupils with knowledge, understanding and strategies to keep themselves healthy and safe, as well as equipping them to support others who are facing challenges. Our curriculum also enables children to reflect on and clarify both their own and British values and attitudes, and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of attitudes and values they encounter now and in the future.

At Uplands Infant School our expertly designed environments, quality first teaching and interactions support children to manage and regulate emotions and develop a positive sense of self. The appropriate combination of teacher directed and child initiated learning is utilised to optimise the learning potential. Strong positive relationships, clear boundaries and routines are established with the children to secure their wellbeing.  Children and their families are assigned a key worker who responds sensitively to children’s feelings and behaviours in order to meet their emotional needs and supporting families by offering guidance. Our curriculum sets out a clear breadth of topics that will be taught and built upon across the Foundation Stage. Our children will organise their knowledge and understanding around the following key topics as set out in the Jigsaw scheme of work: Being me in my world, Celebrating difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing me. Our expertly designed environments, quality first teaching and learning opportunities promote the characteristics of effective learning which underpin the entire Early Years Curriculum.

Our continuous provision enables application and replication of personal, social and emotional knowledge and skills taught in different contexts, with pertinent cross curricula links, offering a more open ended approach to learning which challenges and empowers children to demonstrate their learning and skills in imaginative and different ways.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in their Personal. Social and Emotional development. Our children will demonstrate high levels of involvement and wellbeing.  Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Self Regulation, Managing Themselves and Building Relationships.


At Uplands Infant School we want our children to develop a positive attitude and interest in mathematics. As practitioners we recognise that young children have a natural interest in quantities and spatial relations, they are problem solvers, pattern spotters and sense makers. Our mathematical curriculum allows for our children to develop curiosity and enjoyment building upon their cultural capital, through our curriculum drivers, their interests and the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. We promote and believe that it is essential for all children to develop a deep and strong grounding in number so they can develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically and be confident mathematicians.


Through cognitive research we have designed our mathematical curriculum to aid long term retention. Our curriculum sets out a clear breath of study across the foundation stage and a criteria for progression within each area of mathematics.

In our foundation stage we provide carefully planned environments, quality first teaching and interactions that allow for curiosity, enjoyment, the ability to draw on personal and cultural knowledge and apply their mathematical thinking through real life experiences and contexts. Children are able to freely explore how they represent their mathematical thinking through gesture, talk, manipulation of objects and their graphical signs and representations.

Our curriculum includes rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills through shape, space and measure. There is a balance and appropriate combination of teacher directed and child initiated learning to optimise the learning potential. Children are provided with effective early mathematical experiences that involve seeking patterns, creating and solving mathematical problems through engaging with stories, songs, games, practical activities and imaginative play. Our mathematical concepts are revisited within the year group and built upon across the key stages. Children are given time to revisit, develop and make sense of the mathematical concepts and skills being taught. This is supported by sensitive interactions with adults who observe, listen to and value children’s mathematical ideas and build upon their knowledge and ability to apply their understanding.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in their mathematical development. They will develop a positive self-esteem as learners of mathematics and feel confident to express their ideas, spot connections, ‘have a go’, use vocabulary confidently to talk about what they notice and not be afraid to make mistakes.

Our continuous provision will enable application and replication of mathematical skills taught in different contexts, with pertinent cross curricula links, offering a more open ended approach to learning which challenges and empowers children to demonstrate their learning and skills in imaginative and different ways. By the end of the foundation stage most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Number and Numerical Patterns.

Communication and Language

At Uplands Infant School the acquisition of language is the golden thread that permeates throughout our school. Our children talk all day, every day. Our Communication and Language curriculum builds upon our children’s cultural capital, through our curriculum drivers, our children’s interests and the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We specifically promote children’s Communication and Language development as it underpins all seven areas of learning and development, guiding and facilitating our children’s thinking to progress their emerging literacy. At Uplands Infant School we aim to promote progress through the developmental stages within the three aspects of communication which are Listening and Attention, Understanding and Speaking. As a result our Communication and Language curriculum enables practitioners to build on children’s speaking and listening skills effectively so that they can become effective communicators.

At Uplands Infant School our expertly designed environments, quality first teaching and interactions provide a language rich environment. The appropriate combination of teacher directed and child initiated learning is utilised to optimise learning potential. The daily speaking and listening opportunities which include activities that provide a stimulus for talk, story telling, role play, songs and rhymes are specifically chosen to meet the learning needs of our children. Through conversation children are encouraged to share their ideas with support and modelling from their practitioners.  Sensitive questioning invites children to elaborate their ideas strategies such as self- talk and parallel talk to build and progress children’s language acquisition. We implement carefully sequenced programmes of study including Phase 1 phonics, Talk for Writing, Word Aware to secure Communication and Language development.  We recognise that the children’s preferred language provides the roots for developing additional language. Parents are therefore encouraged to continue to use their home languages so that it can be used to strengthen and improve their children’s language and communication.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in their Communication and Language development. Our children will communicate effectively, articulating their ideas and thoughts. Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for Listening, Understanding and Attention and also Speaking.

Understanding the World

Our Understanding of the World curriculum is designed to build on our children’s cultural capital through our curriculum drivers, children’s interest and the requirements from the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. Through our curriculum we empower our children to develop a natural curiosity of awe and wonder where children make sense of their physical world and their community.  We instil passion and an enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and the vocabulary needed to articulate an understanding of the world.  Our curriculum provides a coherent, structured, academic curriculum that leads to sustained mastery for all and a greater depth of understanding.  It sets out a clear list of the breadth of topics that will be covered in the early years which ensures each teacher has clarity as to what to cover.

Our teaching of Understanding of the World is taught by a range of children’s personal experiences that increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them – from visiting parks, libraries to meeting important members of society such as police officers, nurses and firefighters. In addition, children are introduced to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems that will foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world.  In early years learning is interweaved throughout continuous provision with a particular emphasis in Understanding of the World. Our key concepts are revisited throughout the children’s time at school. This is to ensure that progression will enable children to build on previously taught knowledge from working in to long term memory.

The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will have made measurable progress in Understanding of the World. Our children will demonstrate important knowledge which extends their familiarity with words that support understanding across domains. Most of our children will have achieved the Early Learning Goals for people, culture and communities, the natural world and past and present.

Outdoor Provision

Our Outdoors curriculum is designed to build on our children’s cultural capital through our curriculum drivers, children’s interest and the requirements of the Early Years Educational Programmes. Through the outdoors we empower our children to develop a natural curiosity, to notice the awe and wonder of the world in which we live so that children can make sense of their physical world. We provide outdoor learning spaces that are larger for children to demonstrate their knowledge in action in a different way to that of the indoor learning spaces. We want our children to have the opportunity to develop healthy and active lifestyles by offering children opportunities for physical activity, freedom and movement, to promote a sense of wellbeing.

Our expert practitioners understand the intimate connection between the brain, the body and the mind, so we provide extended periods of physical outdoor learning through play. The outdoors is carefully planned to provide our children with opportunities to participate in tasks on a much bigger scale and complete them in ways they might not when they are indoors. During times of outdoor learning children make calculated decisions, experience risk-taking and are encouraged to challenge themselves. We offer outdoor learning every day for at least 90 minutes with opportunities for children to move freely across a range of learning spaces to explore and investigate new and exciting discoveries. It is designed so that key knowledge can be observed in action acting as a catalyst for interactions. These are offered daily through a combination of direct teach and continuous provision allowing for application and replication of knowledge and skills taught in different contexts. Pertinent cross curricula links across the seven areas of learning are forged offering a more open ended approach to learning where the characteristics of effective learning can be further developed. The children are challenged and empowered to demonstrate their learning and skills in imaginative and different ways.

The impact of our outdoor provision is that by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage all of our children will demonstrate an appreciation and care for the world we inhabit and a deeper understanding of the natural processes that happen around them. They will make progress and achieve in all seven areas of learning. Children will be confident in taking risks, demonstrate improved social skills, resilience and independence which some of them may find challenging to demonstrate within the constraints of a smaller confined space.

Outdoor Provision 2024-25

Autumn in the Nursery

The afternoon Nursery Pandas Class have been clearing the playground of all the fallen leaves. They spent time working together to sweep the leaves into one big pile. They used skills to develop upper body strength and developed control and co-ordination over large movements of their bodies as they swept, collected the leaves in the wheelbarrow and transferred the waste to the bin. It was great to see the co- operative work as the children developed their listening, responding and turn taking skills. We had lots of fun!

Outdoor Provision

Understanding the World

Children have been investigating the world in which we live. A huge yelp of delight echoes across the playground as a worm is unearthed. One of the boys comes running with excitement to share his discovery with a familiar adult. Fascination, intrigue and numerous questions arise prompting much discussion.  Care and concern for the creature soon follow as the 2 boys observe carefully as it wriggles and moves. Sensing the danger of it being trampled upon the boys work collaboratively, planning how to move it to safety continuously engaged in interactions, responding to each others ideas and voicing their own thoughts and suggestions.

Children ventured outdoors, ‘Wow! Fire truck’ children in Early years were in awe!  I wonder what is inside the fire engine? Children had the opportunity to investigate and discover.

Planting bulbs
Learning about bulbs and how we look after them has got the children in early years all green fingered! Planting beds were cleared and tidied before planting the bulbs- I wonder what will happen now?
Communication & Language

Children have been investigating the world in which we live. A huge yelp of delight echoes across the playground as a worm is unearthed. One of the boys comes running with excitement to share his discovery with a familiar adult. Fascination, intrigue and numerous questions arise prompting much discussion.  Care and concern for the creature soon follow as the 2 boys observe carefully as it wriggles and moves. Sensing the danger of it being trampled upon the boys work collaboratively, planning how to move it to safety continuously engaged in interactions, responding to each others ideas and voicing their own thoughts and suggestions.


Nursery children making circles, practicing anticlockwise movements.

Developing independence changing into Wellington boots to play in the mud kitchen.

Collaborating, imagining and extending ideas.  The children in Early Years worked together to build a house with door and window and added a road for their cars.

Prolonged focus
Collaborating and showing prolonged focus to build a large ball run.
Looking after our environment
We have been looking after our environment by using litter pickers to help keep our playground tidy.
Developing our core strength
Early Years have enjoyed continuing our learning outside in the lovely Spring weather.
We enjoyed developing our core strength practising our hoopla hooping skills.
Exploring colour mixing

We have been turning a grey, rainy day into a colourful day by exploring colour mixing powder paint in puddles.

Litter picking

Reception and Nursery were enthusiastic about litter picking .  They also wanted to make sure that the school environment was a safe place for birds and insects.

