The children have been learning about an important historical figure in Leicester…King Richard III. In addition to being taught in the classroom about his life and the discovery of his remains, we had a visit from the Leicester Museum last week to re-enact the Battle of Bosworth.
This week the children were able visit the tomb of King Richard III at the Leicester Cathedral. We also paid a visit to the King Richard III Visitor’s Centre to learn about his family history and feuds, the work of the archaeologists and the scientists using DNA to confirm the identity of the skeleton. We even got to stand over the precise place King Richard’s remains were discovered!
If that wasn’t enough, we even got to to visit the oldest building in Leicester, The Guildhall. Here, children were able to see an exhibition showcasing artefacts from medieval Leicester.
Here is what some the children had to say about the trip.
S.H: “I want to bring my mum and show her King Richard III”
Z.G: “I don’t like Henry Tudor, I support King Richard!”
T.I. “It was the best trip I ever had, I already knew a lot but I learnt so much more.”